Oil Transfer Cart
Portable Oil Transfer Cart system, model 19323P, features a pneumatic oil transfer pump that is compatible with a wide variety of fluids. The on board 30 gallon holding tank is filled via a large 9" diameter fill port. The system is transported to the destination, connected to compressed air and the product is dispensed.
System includes a 30 gallon fluid holding tank, control panel with air regulator that allows operator to control oil transfer pump speed, discharge fluid hose, optional discharge filter with replaceable cartridge, hose storage rack with discharge seal to prevent contamination, and forklift slots that allow motorized transport.
System is compatible with journal, diesel or air compressor oil. Compressed air is required to power the air operated oil transfer pump.
Stability of the oil transfer cart is assured by large 8" diameter lockable casters. This eliminates concerns about spilling contents and makes it safe and simple to move.
Key Features
- Pump in to tank, pump from tank to device.
- Pump from source to device. Optional control valves allow pump to be used independently from the 30 gallon tank as an in-line transfer pump if product needs to be dispensed directly from a supply source to receiving tank.
- Optional oil filter with replaceable elements.
Model Specifications