Automatic Undercarriage Wheel Wash System HE-AUWS/M
Model HE-AUWS/M (9' track width)
Model HE-AUWS/W (15' track width)
Automatic Undercarriage Wash System solve the difficult task of removing heavy mud and dirt soil loads from undercarriage and sides of vehicles and machinery. These drive over system are fully automatic and self-cleaning. Sensors detect the approaching vehicle and control system start and run time.
Designed to be installed at job site vehicle and equipment exits to control track out.
Approach and exit ends of the HE-AUWS/M or W can be connected to Hydropad above ground wash pad arrays as part of a fully functional vehicle and equipment wash rack.
The HE-AUWS/M or W accepts very heavy soil loads. Solids drop through the grated top surface and are removed with an integral drag conveyor. Clarified wash water is constantly recycled through the wash process. When configured with optional 360° arch, the HE-AUWS/M or W wash vehicles and equipment, top to bottom!
Model Specifications