Portable Wash Racks
Hydropad above ground steel wash water containment wash rack systems solve your wash water capture problems
- Confine wash operations to a single area
- Capture wash water and solid wastes
- Separate fluids from solids
- Promote EPA compliance
- Reduce water usage and control discharge costs
- Easy to deploy or re-deploy
Hydropad wash rack systems are available in an array of sizes and capacities and are easily configured to satisfy your wash rack requirements.
Why Thousands of Hydropads are in Daily Use- Durability! Hydropads are more durable than concrete
- Safety Rail System walking surface provides a non-skid walking area
- Our patented side gutter equals simple and easy cleanup of water and solids
- Hydropads are the strongest portable wash pad in existence
- Optional galvanized steel sidewalls contain water splash
Learn More about Hydropad Attachments
- Hydropad Walls
- Hydropad Ramps
- Hydropad Gutter Attachments
- Remote Equipment Control Module
- Automatic Undercarriage Wheel Wash System
Model Specifications