Instant Car Wash
If you need an easily assembled, efficient answer to your car washing problem, we have the answer!
- Have lots of cars but no place to wash them?
- Want to promote a 'Green' company image and maintain compliance with water discharge regulations?
- Need a system that can operate without a sewer connection?
- Want to save water and reduce sewer bills by recycling?
The Instant Car Wash (ICW™) provides an effective, easy to use wash system for automobiles and pickup trucks. While soap or detergent may be used, the ICW is capable of washing the vehicle without using any chemicals. This substantially reduces the possibility of streaking and finish damage that can occur if chemicals are allowed to dry on painted surfaces.
The ICW includes the three wash tools required for vehicle washing.
- Hydroblaster cold water pressure washer.
- Flow-through microfiber brush that uses recycled wash water.
- Rinse water spritz gun/wand assembly that can be supplied with either:
- A culinary fresh water source, or
- Your recycled wash-water generated by a reverse osmosis (RO) system or special deionization (DI) filter that removes hard water impurities to prevent spotting.
The three tools can be used simultaneously if multiple operators are washing the vehicle. Typically, the Hydroblaster pressure washer is used first, followed by the flow-through brush and then the rinse water spritz gun.
Wash water may be captured for reuse by using a Hydropad vehicle wash platform. The ICW includes a media filter and wash water treatment system that produces high quality recycled water for the wash operations.
The ICW requires power, water and sewer connections. No construction is required. The system can be configured to operate without a sewer connection which can eliminate permitting.
- Full equipment lockable enclosure
- 2, 3, or 4 GPM Hydroblaster
- Auto Hydro Biodigester dosing
- Defoam sensing and dosing
- Air blower/dryer
Read the Instant Car Wash White Paper
Model Specifications