Wet Sandblaster
Abrasive Application System (AAU)
The Abrasive Application Unit converts your Hydroblaster or other high pressure cold water pressure washer into an effective dust free abrasive blasting system.
The system is easy to connect and operate. Wheels make it easy to move. The stainless steel hopper is tapered to reduce media clumping and the lid is sealed to prevent media contamination. Control valves allow precise control of the abrasive flow rate into the mixing head. This optimizes abrasive usage and reduces problems with clogging in the sand hose and mixing head.
Recommended for use with pressure washing systems that actually produce at least 4 GPM and 2000 PSI. Higher flow rates increase the media delivery capacity while higher Hydroblaster discharge pressures deliver the media to the work piece at higher velocity to improve production rates.
- Variety of waterjet nozzles to optimize the sandblasting performance of your Hydroblaster or high pressure washing system.
- Straight, 0' media delivery with an aluminum and brass mix body with replaceable carbide delivery nozzle.
- Fan, wide coverage media delivery with a stainless steel mix body and replacable fan pattern carbide nozzle.
Model Specifications