Recycling For 3 Years and Working Great
Bob Bryant, Maintenance Manager, G.I. Apparel says:"After 3 years, it still works great, It rocks and rolls as long as you keep up the maintenance. The only time we have to drain the ACF3 system is when we change the filter media every 6 months. We use the 43E Hydroblaster, 3000 PSI pressure washer for ease of blasting emulsion off the screen, the higher the PSI the faster we reclaim, and less effort for the operator. We cannot afford down time so I keep a back up pump on the shelf to change out the pump in 30 minutes when necessary."
G.I. Apparel has been using the Hydro Engineering Screen Reclaiming and wastewater recycling system; CMAFU-2, ACF3, and 43E system for since 1996.